Vicissitude is a specialised business consultancy that assists individuals, teams and organisations to change for the better.
vi·cis·si·tude: (noun)
“change or variation in circumstances or fortune; mutability in life or nature.”
People have within them a tremendous capacity to adapt. However, at times of rapid change or extreme variation in circumstances, they may simply need to be reminded of this and provided with some additional guidance to more quickly make the adjustments their new circumstances require of them. We are in the business of positive behaviour change - to help make individuals, teams and organisations the very best that they can be!
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change
- Jim Rohn
What We Do
Individuals are the building blocks of organisations. When they are functioning well, they provide the necessary conditions for teams and whole organisations to excel.
• unleash leadership potential and achieve the best version of themselves
• understand themselves and their unique capabilities
• dream about the possibilities for the future and plan their next developmental steps
• assist with career transitions
• achieve personal wellbeing
• build resilience through reflective practice.
• One-on-one coaching
• Mediation services
• Facilitated discussions and workshops
• Supervision mentoring
• Leadership programs
• Psychometric assessments
• 360-degree feedback
The dynamic interplay between individuals produces team performance. Creating high performing teams therefore relies on the individuals within the team to trust, connect, align and believe that the whole capacity of this team really is greater than the sum of its parts.
• clarify purpose and align efforts and behaviours
• optimise functioning through increasing trust
• fast track to optimal performance
• build skills and understanding of the team dynamic
• map out team work plans and resourcing
• refocus teams that have lost their way
• actively manage conflicts and establishing positive working relationships
• review current functioning to map out a plan for positive action
• map key stakeholders and optimise strategies for collaboration
• assist in recruiting, selecting and onboarding new team members to maximise fit to role and team while honouring diversity.
• Workshops
• Planning days
• Group coaching
• Aligning individual and team dynamics
Ideally organisations provide organising structures which empower individuals and teams to do their very best work. The rate and pace of change means that organisations have to be agile in their structures and be able to adapt to suit their changing environment quickly. Building the capability to change, the structures to support change and the inspiring purpose that draws both employees and the outside world to it, is what our contemporary organisations have to do to remain relevant.
• build positive cultures
• embed responsiveness to change
• maximise wellbeing through strategic initiatives
• collaborate on and clarify strategy by identifying the evolving purpose
• review systems and structures that optimise outcomes
• map capability to strategy and develop and lift capability where needed
• amplify the voice of the people within the organisation
• maximise communication and empowerment from frontline to decision making functions.
• all-staff fora and workshops
• organisational reviews
• focus groups and surveys
• development and delivery of bespoke training programs
• stakeholder interviews
• exit interviews.
Recent Work
Coaching with a Senior Manager from the Legal Sector
Vicissitude partnered with a senior manager who found themselves in a leadership role with minimal leadership development. As is the case for all coaching we offer at Vicissitude, these sessions provide a space to explore approaches, behaviours, and styles in a confidential and non-judgemental environment. Particularly for senior or transitioning leaders, coaching is one of the fastest ways to enhance skills and achieve greater performance. To start the coaching experience in this case, the coachee completed the Life Styles Inventory (LSI 1 & 2) to provide some insight into how they behave from their perspective and the perspective of those around them. Over 6 sessions, there were multiple opportunities for the leader to reflect on how who they were as an individual was different to who they were as a leader. They reflected on how this impacted on their energy and authenticity at work and collaborated with their coach to adapt their practices to be a truer version of themselves.
Conflict Management and Resolution
Vicissitude collaborated with leaders at a member-based organisation in the healthcare sector to explore perspectives of a workplace conflict. Multiple facilitated discussions were conducted with the leaders which sought to resolve the conflict and arrive at collaborative agreements and commitments for the future. In conflict resolution processes, we take time to ensure that all parties are heard, and the source of the disagreement is understood, before moving into future-focussed action. As psychologists with skills in active listening, an understanding of systemic causes, de-escalation skills and strong empathy for the emotions of others, we are well placed to manage these issues with care and a results-focus.
Psychometric Recruitment Solution for a State-Government Department
To support a State-Government Department with recruiting talent, Vicissitude were approached to develop an individualised psychometric report writing solution. As personality can provide important insights into how an individual may show up in the workplace and impact their preferences for how they like to work, we ensured the reports were developed specific to the role and the individual. These reports served as one point in the organisation’s recruitment process and provided an opportunity for the recruiting organisation to gain insights and seek additional information from applicants.
Team Planning Day and Development Workshop with Regulatory Body Board
Vicissitude was initially approached to run a half-day team planning day where Board Members from a Regulatory Body spent dedicated time together to explore and develop their collective goals and team charter. Following from this, the Board came together again with Vicissitude for a full-day workshop to discuss individual preferences and styles (utilising the DiSC psychometric assessment) along with topics that were raised as opportunity areas from the planning day. This included giving and receiving feedback and celebrating successes. The session explored feedback from a neuroscientific perspective, along with theoretical models and opportunities to practice skills.
Wellbeing Support Initiative
The team at Vicissitude were approached to address wellbeing concerns that were raised by a team in a high-risk environment. Initially, we introduced the team to our evidence-based Wellbeing Model that explores life and work factors that impact individual wellbeing. This theoretical background provided a framework to understand the wellbeing issues that were raised within the team. To ensure there was an in-depth understanding of the issues, Vicissitude facilitated focus groups and individual interviews with the team members and senior leaders. Through this, multiple potential areas for development and a series of recommendations were identified and reported back to the organisation. Vicissitude were approached to support the facilitation of multiple recommendations.
Team Coaching with a Leadership Team in the Health Sector
Across multiple sessions, Vicissitude collaborated with the executive leadership team of a health organisation to develop strategic alignment and behavioural expectations. These sessions allowed the team to develop high levels of trust and strengthen team bonds through exploring previous disruptions in an open and supportive environment with a future focus on how the team can set themselves and the organisation up for success. Taking a coaching approach in a team setting allowed for the sessions to be directed by the needs of the team at any given time with deep personalisation for the individuals in the group.
Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Vicissitude was approached to explore what the next level of building psychological safety would look like at a Regulatory Body, with a particular focus on the interactions between Staff and Board Members. This process began with a desktop review of organisational materials and existing projects undertaken within the organisation. Following this, Vicissitude facilitated multiple focus groups with Staff to explore their perspectives of the organisational culture. This resulted in the reporting of multiple recommendations that could be undertaken by the organisation to address issues raised by staff in a targeted manner.
Managing Psychosocial Hazards Workshop with a Specialist Services Organisation
Following the announcement of legislative changes across Australia there was a need for people leaders across various organisations to understand what psychosocial hazards are and how they can lead their teams to eliminate, reduce, or minimise associated risks. Vicissitude were approached to provide educative sessions to leaders across multiple Australian States. These sessions were tailored to the legislative context of each State and highlighted the important role leaders play in managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace and how this relates to taking a person-centred approach to workplace wellbeing.
Mental Health Workshops with Public Health Service Provider
Over 12 months, Vicissitude facilitated virtual drop-in workshops for managers and team members of a Victorian-based Public Health Service provider focussing on wellbeing and mental health at work. Three bespoke workshops were designed and delivered to more than 480 employees that explored wellbeing concepts through theoretical models and frames, skill-building, and interactive activities.